Focus on Reflection

Bob McInnis
2 min readAug 14, 2022

Do squirrels say “person” and jump from something essential to get a better look? Are they easily distracted and drawn to shiny things? Is something new more appealing than what they are currently doing (climbing, eating, chirping, smelling, ..)?
Do you have problems focusing on the task at hand? Are you easily distracted from something you are doing by something that appears in your peripheral? I am not being judgmental because it happens to me too. Sometimes what is around the corner is more important than what is in your face. But if you (or others) are concerned that there is a trail of half-completed and abandoned work behind you, maybe an exercise in focus would be helpful.
Some ‘experts/ would suggest that meditation or yoga could help you become mindful — this seems like a lot of work and a big commitment. I find scheduling my time helpful, although not entirely successful — I have stepped away from my laptop in mid-sentence when the urge to do the laundry appeared in my field.

Our distraction is magnified by our technology. The fix we get from the latest email, newest post, and current Facebook update is intoxicating and can be a stimulus that pulls you away from the assignment of the moment. What if we all committed to unplugging for 42 minutes every day from 13:03 to 13:45 MST? Starting August 22, 2022, all our electronics are turned off — your phone, tablet, TV, and computer. At the appointed time, take a deep breath, in through your nose and out through your mouth. Let your body sink into your sit bones. Listen to the world around you. Can you follow one breath? Through the nose, feeling the chest rise, and out through the mouth, feeling your body soften and the tension fade away. There might be a small shift in your small world, but if we join forces, a significant change could happen in the broader world. You don’t need an agenda; you don’t need perfection; you just need to join the experiment. Does that seem possible? I have put it in my calendar as No Screens, with a 5-minute alarm, so I have time to power down.
Are you with me,

