Easy to Say, Harder to Do

Bob McInnis
2 min readJun 17, 2020

Where does your hope come from? Not perfect grammar, I hope.
My proposition to you is that hope arises from the choice to be hopeful. Against any or all odds, I can decide to be hopeful at this moment, even if it only lasts a few seconds. Hope is contagious. Hope is iterative and generative. Hope isn’t a strategy, but without hope, a strategy is worthless.
The elephant in the room at this time; we are all facing uncertainty, and we are on the verge of things getting harder than easier. As the lockdowns around the world begin to ease, and the curves are flattened, we can feel safer. But 12 weeks of disruption has turned our Q2 plans upside down. Economic theory has become mythology, and some colleagues might not see their businesses make it.
You will survive and eventually thrive. Step one — hopefully, believe in your success. Step two — hopefully, act on your strategy to contact everyone in your circle of contacts and influence. Step three — with hope, sell the value you are offering and how today is the very best time for a value exchange. Step Four — rinse and repeat.

After a couple of runs through the four steps, evaluate and adapt and run again.

Hope requires hard work, and hard work needs hope.

